Terra Gold Project | Detailed Overview of Zones

The Ben intrusion hosts most of the currently identified high-grade lode mineralization, including the Ben, Ben North, Fish and SD zones. The main target of past exploration has been the north-south striking, steeply west-dipping Ben veins zone, which has been traced by diamond drilling along a 350 m strike length and a vertical extent of over 250 m. The Ben vein extends along the eastern margin of the Ben intrusion, with the northern half within it and the southern half within the adjacent slate unit. The Ben veins range in width from 0.1 m to 1.0 m and are exposed on surface for up to 35 m, although the Ben zone is largely scree-covered.
The Au-As-Sb (Cu-Pb-W) geochemical signature suggests that mineralization at Terra was formed from an intrusion-related fluid. An appropriate deposit model may be the “deep” epithermal (distal to an intrusion) model. As the region does contain a significant age equivalent Cu-Au porphyry deposit (Nova Minerals Ltd.’s Mt. Estelle deposit), it is not hard to envision the Terra veins projecting from a large Cu-Au (or similar environment) at depth.
The Ben Zone has produced numerous multi-ounce samples. During a bulk sampling of the Ben Vein the gravity processing of the material recovered multiple ounces to the ton. Previous exploration and drilling have focused on the Ben Zone which has a resource from drilling 47 drill holes for 9,908 meters.
The resource of the Ben Zone was last updated in a 2020 Technical Report. During 2020 a scoping study was conducted that produced a preliminary mine plan based on the current resource for an underground mining operation at the Terra Project.

Ben Zone

In recent years WMTN has also begun to drill out the Fish Zone which as produced a resource from the drilling of 4,890 meters. With additional drilling the company believes that the Ben Zone and Fish Zone will connect into one resource.
There are two prominent outcroppings of quartz veins in the Fish zone. The upper vein is exposed at a higher elevation southeast of the lower vein. Surface exposure is limited to a few meters along strike, and approximately 5 m downslope. The exposed portion, roughly 0.5 m in width, has a measured strike of 350 degrees, dips steeply eastward, has a competent texture and varies from massive to banded. Partial mining at surface of the lower vein has exposed the vein approximately 10 m along strike and 15 m downslope. The vein is also competent, massive to banded, and varies in width from just a few cm to nearly 1.0 m.
Fish Zone
Mag Areas 3 & 4
A geophysical surveys on the project in 2018 located two magnetic anomalies to the east of the Fish Zone. During the 2019, field season soil samples were collected over contour lines space 40 meters apart in elevation over the magnetic anomalies.
A total of 112 soil samples were collected and sent into ALS in Fairbanks, Alaska for analysis. The results of the soil sampling included two samples grading over 100 grams per tonne gold and eleven sample grading between 10 and 100 grams per tonne gold.
Additional exploration is to be conducted to determine if the gold in the soil is from veins in the area or alluvial, placed there by the creek in the distant past.

SD Vein
Located between the Ben Zone and the Fish Zone, the SD Vein are two high grade parallel banded and mottled quartz veins that are up to 30 cm thick. The veins are separated by roughly 25 meters and outcrop for nearly 100 meters of strike.
AngloGold Ashanti drilled two drill holes in 2005 but failed to intercept the quartz veins. There are at least 3 large, high-angle faults next to these veins that possibly truncated or displaced the SD Veins or the veins may have pinched and swelled in a vertical sense.
In 2019, Aurora Geosciences collected 11 surface grab samples along several outcropping quartz veins. One sample from the western SD Vein returned an assay of 603 g/t gold, 316 g/t silver.
The Ice Vein is another bonanza-grade vein that is located about 3 kilometers to the southeast of the Ben Zone. The vein strikes in a west – east versus a north-south direction of the Ben and Fish Zones.
The Ice Vein has grades up to 72 g/t gold and has an exposed strike length of approximately 15 meters, terminating in a series of shears to the west and passing into cover to the east.
Three exploration drill holes, totaling 397 meters, extended the high-grade vein from the surface to 175 meters down dip.